Class Multipart

A collection of Parts



  • Create a new Multipart instance


    • parts: Part[]

      The parts to include in the multipart

    • Optionalboundary: string | Uint8Array = ...

      The multipart boundary used to separate the parts. Randomly generated if not provided

    • OptionalmediaType: string = "multipart/mixed"

      The media type of the multipart. Defaults to "multipart/mixed"

    Returns Multipart


headers: Headers = ...

The headers of this multipart

parts: Part[]

The parts to include in the multipart


  • get body(): Uint8Array
  • Get the bytes of the body of this multipart. Includes all parts separated by the boundary. Does not include the headers.

    Returns Uint8Array

    RangeError If the multipart boundary is invalid. A valid boundary is 1 to 70 characters long, does not end with space, and may only contain: A-Z a-z 0-9 '()+_,-./:=? and space

  • get mediaType(): string
  • The media type of the multipart

    Returns string

  • set mediaType(mediaType: string): void
  • Parameters

    • mediaType: string

    Returns void


  • Create Blob from this multipart.

    Returns Blob

    RangeError If the multipart boundary is invalid. A valid boundary is 1 to 70 characters long, does not end with space, and may only contain: A-Z a-z 0-9 '()+_,-./:=? and space.

  • Get the bytes of the headers and body of this multipart.

    Returns Uint8Array

    RangeError If the multipart boundary is invalid. A valid boundary is 1 to 70 characters long, does not end with space, and may only contain: A-Z a-z 0-9 '()+_,-./:=? and space

  • Create FormData from this multipart. Only parts that have Content-Disposition set to form-data and a non-empty name will be included.

    Returns FormData

  • Parse multipart bytes (including headers). The boundary and media type are determined from the headers.


    • data: Uint8Array

      Byte representation of the multipart headers and body

    Returns Multipart

    SyntaxError If the Content-Type header is missing or does not include a boundary

  • Create Multipart from a Part. The boundary and media type are determined from the part's headers.


    Returns Multipart

    SyntaxError If the Content-Type header is missing or does not include a boundary